Saturday, November 2, 2013

John 6-7

Scripture connections: Matthew 14-18,  Mark 6-7, Luke 9

As John 6-7 shares more about Jesus, we begin to grasp His all-powerful sovereignty in our lives.  We know God has sent Him for us, and we see the tension rising between those who believe Jesus and those who do not.  Without needing introductions, Jesus just knows His followers completely.  There is nothing we can hide from His love for us.  He speaks to us more and more as we read.  He clearly sees the big picture, the works He is going to do even before they happen.  And the best part of all, Jesus promises that He will never leave us.  

How do you feel about your own imperfections?  Does thinking about being imperfect make
you want to run?  Does messing up scare you?  Do you fight change because you are afraid of not knowing what's ahead?  Are you unnerved at the thought of losing control?  Do you steer clear of trying something new because failure makes you way too nervous?  Do you want to avoid the word "sin" at all costs for fear that it might actually apply to you?  Do you feel the need to justify and explain yourself?  Who likes being wrong, right?  It's okay.  I catch myself answering "yes" to these questions in the middle of my crazy life over and over gain.  

We are not so unlike the doubtful and confused officials of Jesus' day, the threatened teachers of the law, the offended disciples, and even Jesus' own unbelieving brother in today's reading that we can't learn from them.  These tendencies are part of our human nature.  We get caught up working to put the food of the world on our tables when what we really need is the "bread of God...that comes down from heaven and gives life (John 6:33)."  When we catch ourselves in some of these thoughts and actions, there is a better way.  Hear today's encouragement from God.  In Jesus, we are freed from being ashamed of our imperfections.  He is at work in our lives.  He has us all figured out and has gone ahead of us.  We just have to be honest with Him; our imperfections are the very things that God uses to draw us closer to Him.  Our inadequacies are the avenue by which God strengthens our faith.  We do not have to be afraid.  Jesus will not run.  We are made perfect in His perfect love.  

35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty...

37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

A prayer for today-

Dear God,

Thank you for loving me and knowing me completely.  Thank you for sending Jesus so that I may be made perfect through Your love, mercy, and grace.  Forgive me for running from my sins (___________) and being afraid of change.  I come to You today with all of them, those of which I am well aware and those that you need to make known to me.  Help me to live for You by Your Spirit so that I will never go hungry or thirsty. 

In the name of Jesus I pray,

Peace of Christ,

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